Job Digital Networks, S.L. (“CornerJob”) NIF no. B-66583907, C/. Pla de l'Estany (polígono industrial), 17 17244, Cassà de la Selva, Gerona (Spain) Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona in volume 44.956, folio 11 and page B-472.442
CornerJob is a company that forms part of the Eurofirms Group, a leading group in the human resources sector in Spain. Information on all the companies that make up the Eurofirms Group can be found in the privacy policy.
These general conditions (hereinafter, the "General Conditions") regulate the job search service offered by CornerJob (hereinafter, the "Service" or "CornerJob") on its technological platform accessible through its mobile application and website (hereinafter, the "Platform"), the purpose of which is to provide users natural persons seeking employment or related services (hereinafter, "Users" or "Candidates"), among others:
(i) Access to an online environment that enables job seekers and employers to be put in touch with each other.
(ii) Access to the services related to the human resources sector of other companies of the Eurofirms Group.
(iii) The possibility for the Candidate to create their own job search profile on CornerJob.
(iv) To register for any job published by the Companies on the Platform quickly and obtain a response regarding their registration.
(v) Search for a specific job using the search bar, which will allow the Candidate to use key terms to better target their searches.
(vi) Activate push notifications to be informed of the progress of their vacancies, as well as to view the status of their vacancies in the My job applications section of the application.
(vii) The possibility for companies that have signed on to the CornerJob Platform (hereinafter, the "Companies") to contact the Candidate.
(viii) Use the "Work with us" section if you are interested in any of the jobs published by CornerJob itself.
The User declares to be over 16 years of age and to have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these General Conditions, and by the Particular Conditions where applicable, and also undertakes to make diligent use of the Service, as well as of the information contained therein, in full compliance with the regulations applicable in each case.
Access to the Service implies in any case the acceptance by the User of these General Conditions, so please read them carefully before using the Service. If you do not accept these General Conditions, please refrain from using the Platform and its content.
The jobs and some of the related services may be subject to particular conditions that may be established at CornerJob from time to time. These conditions may supplement, modify or replace the General Conditions, as the case may be. Hereinafter, any of the aforementioned conditions, or any other specific conditions of other services offered by CornerJob from time to time, shall be referred to as the "Particular Conditions".
Likewise, CornerJob informs the Users of the Service that these General Conditions as well as, where applicable, the Particular Conditions, may be adapted or modified at any time without prior notification. Consequently, the User must read and accept any new versions of the General Conditions and, where applicable, the Particular Conditions. Changes may be made at any time: please check the publication date each time you access our Platform to make sure that no changes have been made that may affect you. For the User's convenience, these conditions will be easily accessible by the Candidate in the Legal section of the Website.
CornerJob does not require prior enrolment or registration for simple browsing or for access to or use of certain services through the Platform. However, in order to actively use the Service and to be able to register for jobs, Candidates are required to register and create a profile through the Register section.
During the registration process, the User must accept the Privacy Policy and the corresponding General Conditions and, where applicable, Particular Conditions.
In particular, the User shall activate an e-mail address and a personal password in order to be able to operate in CornerJob for all purposes as a Candidate. These identification mechanisms and their use shall, for all purposes, have the status of the Candidate's electronic signature (hereinafter, "Electronic Signature") in their relations with CornerJob and with the Companies that offer their jobs at CornerJob.
The Electronic Signature of each Candidate shall be personal and non-transferable, and the Candidate is obliged to notify CornerJob of any changes to their personal data. It is the Candidate's responsibility to exercise due diligence to prevent access and/or use by third parties accessing or using the Electronic Signature on their behalf. Furthermore, the Candidate shall be solely responsible for the choice, loss, theft or unauthorised use of any identification code or password and any consequences thereof.
In any case, the Candidate shall be responsible for the proper use of the Service and the custody of the CornerJob Application and its Electronic Signature, and must refrain from using it for unlawful purposes or effects or contrary to the provisions of these General Conditions and any Particular Conditions.
By connecting your CornerJob account with another account of yours on a social media or third party platform, the User authorises us to access and use the information that the User makes accessible through these platforms and that such platforms have made available to CornerJob, in accordance with the privacy policy and other aspects that are applicable to said social media accounts or third party platforms. For more information on how to manage information provided to CornerJob by the relevant social media or third party platform, please review the privacy settings applicable to those accounts.
In the event that through the Service you share or post content on a social media or third party platform, you agree to comply with all terms of use, policies and guidelines established by the relevant social media or third party platform in relation to such content. The User also agrees to be solely responsible for any claims that may arise from sharing or posting any content on any social media or third party platform.
Social media or third party platforms are not partners or representatives of CornerJob and CornerJob shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of such platforms in relation to your respective account.
The following are the services that CornerJob currently offers to Users through the Platform.
In any case, CornerJob reserves the right, at any time, to modify the presentation and configuration of the Platform, to offer new services, and to modify or reduce existing services, all unilaterally and without prior notice.
Through this service, the Candidate will be able to describe their personal profile as a jobseeker, detail their work experience, academic background and languages, among others.
Likewise, in the Settings section, the Candidate may enable or disable (i) the receiving of notifications related to the jobs to which they have applied or to the Services, as well as (ii) the receiving of e-mail communications from CornerJob.
In the Legal section, the User will be given direct access to CornerJob's General Conditions, Particular Conditions and Privacy Policy. In the Help section, to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in relation to the job search, the User's account, the procedure for reporting any problem on the Platform, technical problems, as well as other information that CornerJob may consider relevant for the User at any given time.
Through this service, the Candidate will have free access to the jobs that the Companies have decided to publish at any given time on CornerJob.
Each of the jobs will be accompanied by a description and a button, currently called "Register for the job offer", through which interested Candidates can register as applicants for that job.
CornerJob is interested in registered companies offering as many jobs as possible to our Candidates, and therefore the Candidate is advised to check frequently for updates in this area from time to time.
Through this service, the Candidate will be able to access a personal section which will detail the different jobs to which they have applied.
In this section, the status of each of the applications will be indicated, as well as the final decision of acceptance or rejection. offers to candidates the possibility to attach documents such as a resume and a cover letter within their private profile.
The format of these documents must comply with the website's requirements.
Furthermore, the candidate themselves declares that they are the sole responsible for the content of the documents they upload to the platform, as well as for all consequences that may arise from the information contained in them.
It's the candidate themselves who, through this Site, provides personal data using the various existing features, and this implies their explicit acceptance and consent for the processing of said data under the terms and for the purposes specified at any given time.
The user agrees not to introduce or spread computer viruses, corrupted files, or any other physical or logical systems that may cause harm to the physical or logical systems of on the platform.
The user consents to the data contained in these attached documents being downloaded and printed by users of our client companies and used for activities directly related to the contracted service.
CornerJob reserves the right to introduce new services or modify existing ones, either through these General Conditions or the Particular Conditions. In particular, CornerJob may offer the Candidate access to the Human Resources-related services of the other companies in the Eurofirms Group.
CornerJob reserves the right to set a remuneration for any of the services that CornerJob provides through the Platform other than services as a placement agency, as established from time to time in the Particular Conditions of the same and provided that the regulations in effect so allow.
In relation to those services subject to payment, the User undertakes to pay CornerJob the price of its services in full compliance with the payment conditions and other conditions established in the Particular Conditions of the services.
Both at the time of registration and in the event that during browsing, consultations, requests or simulations through the Platform, the User provides us with personal data, the provisions of CornerJob's Privacy and Marketing Communications Policy shall apply, which must be accepted beforehand by the User.
CornerJob shall not at any time act as a temporary employment agency or placement agency, limiting itself, in its capacity as a job portal, to connect Candidates with Companies in relation to their jobs, information related to the same and information on the Candidate's profile.
CornerJob informs you that the jobs included by the Companies on the Platform are for the sole purpose of informing any Candidates who may be interested in them. In this sense, neither the jobs made available on the Platform, nor the Candidate's access to them, shall represent any commitment or employment relationship, whether pre-contractual or contractual, between the Candidate and the offering Company.
In connection with the foregoing, Candidates expressly acknowledge that CornerJob shall not be responsible, in any way, for the jobs posted by the Companies, including their features, terms, accuracy, and truthfulness, nor for the content and/or accuracy of the Candidates' profiles.
CornerJob makes its best efforts to keep the Platform in good working order, avoiding errors or, where appropriate, correcting them, and maintaining the content of the Platform duly updated. However, CornerJob does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Platform or the absence of errors in its content, nor that the latter will be updated in a timely manner. The User accepts the foregoing and undertakes to exercise the utmost diligence and prudence when accessing and browsing the Platform or making use of the content, information and services available therein.
CornerJob reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications, deletions or updates to the information contained on the Platform, its configuration or presentation.
The User agrees and undertakes not to use the content available on the Platform at any time in any way that may constitute a violation of any rules or violate morals, good customs or the good professional name and standing of CornerJob or its staff.
CornerJob shall not be held responsible for any possible consequences that may arise from improper use or negligence on the part of the Users in relation to said content.
Both access to the Platform and the use that may be made of any information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the User. Consequently, CornerJob shall not be liable for any damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from access to or use of the information contained on the Platform.
Likewise, CornerJob states that the information and content of the Platform are for information purposes only and must be confirmed with the respective offering Companies, and therefore assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from the use by the User of the information provided. CornerJob will not be responsible in any way for the information provided or posted by the respective offering companies. In this sense, the compliance of job offers with the legally established minimum conditions will not be the responsibility of CornerJob but of the offering company itself.
Additionally, CornerJob is not responsible for any damage or harm to the user's software or hardware resulting from access to or use of the Platform.
In addition to the above, and except as provided in the rest of the General or Particular Conditions, CornerJob shall not be liable for personal, incidental, special, direct or indirect damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of income, loss of or failure to obtain employment, loss of data, business interruption or any other damage or commercial loss, related to the use or impossibility of use of the application, regardless of the cause, regardless of the theory of liability (contractual or extra-contractual or any other).
5.1. The User is aware, and voluntarily accepts, that the use of the Service takes place, in all cases, under their sole and exclusive responsibility, and will therefore be liable for damages of any kind that CornerJob may suffer as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which they are subject by virtue of these General Conditions, Particular Conditions, Privacy Policy or applicable legislation in relation to the use of the Service.
5.2. The User undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation and to use only content for which they have the corresponding rights. The User expressly releases CornerJob from any claims by third parties due to the infringement of their rights or any behaviour by the User that implies a breach of the applicable legislation or of these General Conditions and, where applicable, of the Particular Conditions.
5.3. The User undertakes not to use the Platform for any purpose other than job search. In particular, without limitation, they shall refrain from using the Service for any propaganda, proselytising, advertising - beyond that which is strictly necessary for the proper publication of your profile - or acts of denigration.
5.4. The User undertakes not to carry out actions on the platform that cause overloading, introduction of viruses, installation of bots or that affect the functionality, performance or features of the platform.
5.5. CornerJob reserves the right to modify or delete your presentation as a Candidate, if your use of the Platform is unprofessional or contrary to the General Conditions or Particular Conditions, including the deletion of your profile, your photograph, if it could be considered offensive, of an explicitly sexual nature or which could be considered generally inappropriate. In any case, CornerJob reserves the right to modify or remove all submissions and photographs published by Users if they do not comply with the laws and regulations in effect and/or CornerJob considers that the submissions or photographs are detrimental to the quality required by CornerJob and/or could damage CornerJob's brand image. In the event of a breach by a User of one or more of these rules, or in cases of breaches of laws or regulations, CornerJob reserves the right to block the account of the User in question and/or block access to all or part of the Service, temporarily or permanently, without the User being entitled to compensation, and without prejudice to any other rights that CornerJob may have under current legislation, including the right to claim losses and damages.
5.6 Likewise, the User may not: Disseminate content or propaganda of a homophobic, xenophobic, sexual, denigratory nature, or that incites or promotes the commission of criminal, defamatory, or degrading acts based on age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs; or that directly or indirectly advocates or promotes terrorism, or that is contrary to human rights and the fundamental rights and freedoms of third parties, to current legislation, morals, good customs, and public order, or for harmful purposes that could damage CornerJob and/or third parties. The User shall hold CornerJob harmless in any case from all consequences arising from the breach of this prohibition. Likewise, CornerJob reserves the right to deactivate any User and to delete any content that does not comply with the prohibition contained in the preceding paragraph, reserving the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions, including compensation for damages that may arise.
6.1. CornerJob assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the connection or content of hypertext links to third party websites, nor does their existence imply that they endorse, promote, guarantee or recommend the linked websites.
6.2. Likewise, third parties who intend to include a hypertext link to the CornerJob website must obtain the prior, express and written consent from CornerJob. In any case, CornerJob accepts no liability whatsoever for the connection or the contents of hypertext links to third parties.
7.1. All the content of the Platform (including, but not limited to, databases, images, photographs, patents, utility and industrial models, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of CornerJob, or of its content providers, having been, in the latter case, licensed or assigned by them, and are protected by Spanish or international intellectual and industrial property law. The compilation (understood as the collection, design, arrangement and assembly) of all the content of the Platform is the exclusive property of CornerJob and is protected by the applicable regulations on industrial and intellectual property.
7.2. All software used in the use and development of the Platform is the property of CornerJob or its software suppliers and is protected by industrial and intellectual property law.
7.3. The brands, labels, distinctive signs or logos that appear on the Platform are owned by CornerJob or its content providers and are duly registered or in the process of being registered. The names of other products, services and companies appearing in this document or on the Platform may be trademarks or other distinctive signs registered to their respective and lawful owners.
7.4. All text, graphic designs, videos or audio media are the property of CornerJob, or its content providers, and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the User or third parties without the express authorisation of the owners of said content.
7.5. Making available to Users the databases, images, photographs, patents, utility and industrial models, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software owned by CornerJob or its content providers that appear on the Platform does not imply, under any circumstances, the transfer of ownership or the granting of an exploitation right in favour of the User other than the use that involves legitimate use in accordance with the nature of the Service.
7.6. Any use of the content of the Platform that is made without the authorisation of CornerJob is strictly prohibited, including its exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, transmission by any means, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication or total or partial representation, which, should they occur, will constitute infringements of CornerJob's intellectual property rights, sanctioned by the legislation in effect.
8.1. CornerJob grants the User a right of use or licence, not a right of sale, for the use of the Service through the Platform which shall be governed by the terms described herein (hereinafter the "Licence"). CornerJob reserves all other rights not expressly granted.
8.2. The Licence to use the Service through the Platform is a non-transferable licence to use the Platform on any compatible device owned or controlled by the User, as permitted by the rules of use set out in these General Conditions. This License does not permit the User to use the Platform through other devices that the User does not own or control, and may not broadcast or make the Platform available on a network so that it can be used by multiple mobile devices at the same time.
8.3. The User may not rent, lease, lend, loan, sell, redistribute or sub-license the Platform. The User may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code, modify or create derivative works of the Platform, all updates, or any part thereof (except and only to the extent that any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law or to the extent permitted by the terms of the licence to use any of the open source components included in the Licence). Any attempt to do so will entail a violation of CornerJob's rights. Failure by the User to comply with these restrictions may result in legal action and payment of damages and losses. The terms of the Licence shall also govern any upgrade provided by CornerJob that replaces and/or supplements the Service, unless such upgrade includes a licence of its own, which shall be governed by the terms of such licence.
8.4. The Licence shall remain in effect until terminated by the User or CornerJob. The rights granted under this Licence shall terminate without notice if the User breaches any term(s) of the General Conditions, Particular Conditions or Privacy Policy. Upon termination of the Licence, the User must cease using the Platform, and destroy or uninstall all copies, in whole or in part.
9.1. All the provisions of these Conditions of Access and Use shall be applicable to the accesses that the User makes to the Services via mobile phone, other mobile devices or computer equipment that allow access to the Platform at any given time.
9.2. In this regard, the User is informed that CornerJob does not charge for mobile access to the Platform's content or services, but that the User's telephone operator will apply the rate contracted for sending and receiving data.
9.3. CornerJob is not responsible for any restrictions that may be imposed by the telephone operator and which may make the contents or services of the Platform not normally accessible.
10.1. Access to and use of the Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.
10.2. Any dispute that may arise between CornerJob and the Users of the Service shall be addressed by the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain), with express waiver by the parties of their own jurisdiction.
Job Digital Networks, S.L. (“CornerJob”) NIF no. B-66583907, C/. Pla de l'Estany (industrial estate), 17 17244, Cassà de la Selva, Gerona (Spain) Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona in volume 44.956, folio 11 and page B-472.442
CornerJob is a company that forms part of the Eurofirms Group, a leading group in the human resources sector in Spain. At the privacy policy you can find information about all the companies that make up the Eurofirms Group.
These general conditions (hereinafter, the "General Conditions") regulate the job search service offered by CornerJob (hereinafter, the "Service" or "CornerJob") on its technological platform accessible through its mobile application and website (hereinafter, the "Platform"), the purpose of which is to provide companies offering employment (hereinafter, "Company" or "Companies"), among others:
(i) Access to an online environment that enables job seekers and employers (hereinafter, "Users" or "Candidates") and Companies offering jobs to be put in touch with each other.
(ii) Access to the services related to the human resources sector of other companies of the Eurofirms Group.
(iii) The possibility of creating your own profile as a Company job provider on CornerJob.
(iv) Publishing jobs on the Platform in a quick and agile manner, to be easily accessible by Users.
(v) Selection from among the Candidates who have applied to your job within the Candidates section.
(vi) Access to those specific services subject to particular conditions that may be established from time to time by CornerJob.
Before the Company can publish its jobs on the Platform, CornerJob may request verification of its telephone number, which will allow us to establish an identification filter. CornerJob will use this number for security purposes only and will not share it with third parties.
Access to the Service in any case implies acceptance by the Company of these General Conditions, so please read them carefully before using the Service. If you do not accept these General Conditions, please refrain from using the Platform and its content.
The jobs and some of the related services may be subject to particular conditions that may be established at CornerJob from time to time. These conditions may supplement, modify or replace the General Conditions, as the case may be. Hereinafter, any of the aforementioned conditions, or any other specific conditions of other services offered by CornerJob from time to time, shall be referred to as the "Particular Conditions".
Likewise, CornerJob informs the Companies that these General Conditions as well as, where applicable, the Particular Conditions, may be adapted or modified at any time without prior notification. Accordingly, the Company must read and accept any new versions of the General Conditions and, where applicable, the Particular Conditions. Changes may be made at any time: please check the publication date each time you access our Platform to make sure that no changes have been made that may affect you. For ease of reference, these legal conditions will be easily accessible by the Company in the Legal section of the mobile applications or in the Legal section of the website.
CornerJob does not require prior enrolment or registration for simple browsing or for access to or use of certain services through the Platform. However, in order to actively use the Service, Companies must first register and create a profile in the Cornerjob web, through the Register section.
During the registration process, the Company shall accept these General Conditions and, where applicable, any Particular Conditions that may be applicable.
In particular, the Company will activate an e-mail address and a personal password in order to be able to operate CornerJob for all purposes. These identification mechanisms and their use through the CornerJob Website shall, for all purposes, have the status of electronic signature of the Company in its relations with CornerJob and with the Candidates applying for employment at CornerJob (hereinafter, "Electronic Signature").
The Electronic Signature of each Company shall be personal and non-transferable, and the Company shall be obliged to inform CornerJob of any changes that may occur in their personal data. It is the responsibility of the Company to exercise due diligence to prevent access and/or use by third parties accessing or using the Electronic Signature on their behalf. Furthermore, the Company shall be solely responsible for the choice, loss, theft or unauthorised use of any identification code or password and for the consequences that may arise thereby.
In all cases, the Company shall be responsible for the proper use of the Service and the safekeeping of the CornerJob Application and its Electronic Signature, and must abstain from using it for unlawful purposes or effects or contrary to the provisions of these General Conditions and any Particular Conditions.
Companies must create a main account that will work in such a way that this account will be able to perform any functionality existing on the platform, and in certain cases and depending on the client company's work structure, it will be the source on which other sub-accounts will be linked.
These sub-accounts may belong to the same company and/or to others, depending on the needs of the client company.
In these cases, the company that owns the main account will have visibility over all sub-accounts and the potential users who belong to the main account and/or these sub-accounts.
The owners of the sub-accounts will only have visibility over the content of their own sub-account.
The aforementioned operation will require authorization from all participating companies.
By connecting your CornerJob account with another account of yours on a social media or third party platform, the Company authorises us to access and use the information made accessible through such platforms and that such platforms have made available to CornerJob, in accordance with the privacy policy and other aspects that are applicable to such social media accounts or third party platforms. For more information on how to manage information provided to CornerJob by the relevant social media or third party platform, please review the privacy settings applicable to those accounts.
In the event that through the Service you share or post content on a social media or third party platform, you agree to comply with all terms of use, policies and guidelines established by the relevant social media or third party platform in relation to such content. The Company also agrees to be solely responsible for any claims that may arise from sharing or posting any content on any social media platform or third party.
Social media or third party platforms are not partners or representatives of CornerJob and CornerJob shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of such platforms in relation to your respective account.
The following are the services that CornerJob currently offers to Companies through the Platform.
In any case, CornerJob reserves the right, at any time, to modify the presentation and configuration of the Platform, to offer new services, and to modify or reduce existing services, all unilaterally and without prior notice.
Through this service, the Company will be able to describe its profile as a company offering jobs.
Likewise, in the Notifications section, which is currently located under "My profile", the Company will be able to enable or disable:
(i) the receiving of notifications relating to vacancies for jobs published by it or with the Services, as well as
(ii) the receiving of e-mail communications from CornerJob.
In the Legal section, the Company will have direct access to CornerJob's General Conditions, Particular Conditions and Privacy Policy in effect at any given time, as well as the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), in the “Support” section, in relation to the job search, the Company's account, the procedure for reporting any problem on the Platform, technical problems, and any other information that CornerJob may consider relevant for the Company at any given time.
Through this service, the Company will be able to publish the jobs that it decides to make available to Candidates through the Platform.
For a better functioning of the service, CornerJob recommends the Company to keep this section up to date and to consult it frequently for updates.
CornerJob reserves the right to introduce new services or modify existing ones, either through these General Conditions or the Particular Conditions. In particular, CornerJob may offer the Company access to the human resources-related services of the other companies in the Eurofirms Group.
CornerJob reserves the right to set a fee for any of the services that CornerJob provides through the Platform, as established from time to time in the Particular Conditions of the services.
In relation to those services subject to remuneration, the Company undertakes to pay CornerJob the price for such services in full accordance with the payment conditions and other conditions set out in the Particular Conditions.
3.1. CornerJob's privacy policy can be found at this link.
3.2. In relation to the personal data of the Candidates to which the Company has access, CornerJob has obtained them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the data protection, informing about the purpose, recipients of the data and other required information, and obtaining the corresponding consent from the Users or Candidates.
3.3. Both CornerJob and the Company undertake to comply with their respective data protection obligations, in accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection regulations applicable at any given time.
4.1. In addition to any other rules or conditions set out in these General Conditions or in the Particular Conditions, Companies shall respect the following rules when posting their jobs on the Platform:
(i) Jobs must be published by natural persons with the capacity to contract, by companies legally registered in Spain or by self-employed persons.
(ii) Conditions of jobs must comply with the labour laws in effect in the country of recruitment.
(iii) Network marketing jobs cannot be offered. Companies that require any kind of initial investment from the candidate, with multi-level sales or network marketing schemes are not accepted. In addition, it is strictly forbidden for companies to ask candidates for money.
(iv) No reference may be made to an exchange between private individuals, including but not limited to: domestic service, gardening, renovation or care of persons.
(v) We do not accept jobs from companies whose activities are related to sex, eroticism, fetishism, massage, tarot, gambling, trading, forex, companionship, friendship, drugs or weapons.
(vi) Legal data may be requested from companies to verify information in case of reasonable doubt about its existence or nature, including but not limited to: tax information, website, collective bargaining agreement, company registration and type of employment contract. Refusal to provide such information or failure to respond to this request will be grounds for expulsion from CornerJob.
(vii) Work offers must relate to jobs. No content is accepted on the platform that is not related to jobs, especially related to the offer of training courses. Offers for subsidised courses and courses with job placement are also not accepted.
(viii) The publication of offers by job seekers offering their professional services to companies or individuals is not accepted.
(ix) Unpaid work or work paid in kind, including internships without any financial compensation, is not accepted.
(x) The publication of contact details is not permitted. No e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or links should appear in the description.
(xi) The description of the job must be clear and descriptive. It should include the place of work, the duties, the type of employment contract and the salary offered, specifying also the position to be filled.
(xii) Freelance and freelance positions are accepted on a commission basis, with targets and without a fixed salary, provided that such is clearly specified in the job description.
(xiii) Candidates may not be discriminated against on grounds of sex, origin, physical condition, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance.
(xiv) Offers may not contain erotic or pornographic elements of an explicit or suggestive nature, including images of persons or situations that may incite, confuse or suggest sexual or erotic services (sensual, sensitive, tantric or other massages).
(xv) Each offer may fill several vacancies for a single job type. If multiple positions are required, as many bids must be opened for as many positions as desired.
4.2. The CornerJob team reserves the right to remove any offers from Companies that do not comply with the above rules or any other rules established from time to time by CornerJob.
In addition, CornerJob also reserves the right to delete or disable Company accounts, based on both content, user complaints and/or behaviour with candidates, both within the platform and outside the platform (calls, e-mails or face-to-face interviews):
a) That the work to be performed does not correspond to that described in the job description.
b) The remuneration and working conditions are not as described or agreed with the candidate.
c) That the proposals made to the candidate do not correspond to a job, including harassment, dishonest or denigrating proposals, as well as the use of offensive, vulgar or foul language.
Under no circumstances will CornerJob be obliged to refund any amounts previously paid for the service provided if the offeror has not respected these criteria of content or behaviour, and in general all that is mentioned in this legal notice. It is expressly noted that payment for any service does not waive compliance with all measures in these Terms and Conditions.
CornerJob shall not be held responsible for any damages derived from non-compliance with the above precepts regarding the veracity and legality of the offers published, as well as the content of the same and any possible damages caused to those users who register for the same.
CornerJob will not act at any time as a temporary employment agency or placement agency, limiting itself, in its capacity as a job portal to putting Users in contact with Companies in relation to their jobs, information related to the same and information on the candidate's profile.
CornerJob informs you that the jobs included on the Platform are for the sole purpose of informing any Users who may be interested in them. In this sense, neither the jobs made available on the Platform, nor access to them by Users, shall represent any commitment or employment relationship, whether pre-contractual or contractual, between the User and the offering Company.
In relation to the foregoing, the Companies expressly acknowledge that CornerJob shall not be responsible, in any way, for the jobs posted by the Companies on the Platform, including their features, terms, accuracy, and truthfulness, nor for the content and/or veracity of the Candidates' profiles.
CornerJob makes its best efforts to keep the Platform in good working order, avoiding errors or, where appropriate, correcting them, and maintaining the content of the Platform duly updated. However, CornerJob does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Platform or the absence of errors in its content, nor that the latter will be updated in a timely manner. The Company accepts the foregoing and undertakes to exercise the utmost diligence and prudence when accessing and browsing the Platform or making use of the content, information and services available therein.
CornerJob reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications, deletions or updates to the information contained on the Platform, its configuration or presentation.
The Company agrees and undertakes not to use the content available on the Platform at any time in any way that may constitute a violation of any rules or violate morals, good customs or the good professional name and standing of CornerJob or its staff.
CornerJob shall not be held responsible for any possible consequences that may arise from improper use or negligence on the part of the Companies in relation to said content.
Both access to the Platform and the use that may be made of any information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the Company. Consequently, CornerJob shall not be liable for any damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from access to or use of the information contained on the Platform.
Likewise, CornerJob states that the information and content that form part of the Platform are merely informative in nature and that the offering Companies must take responsibility for the same as they provide them, and therefore CornerJob assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from the use of the same. In this regard, the compliance of job offers with the legally established minimum conditions will not be the responsibility of CornerJob but of the offering Company itself.
Additionally, CornerJob is not responsible for any damage or harm to the Company's software or hardware arising from access to or use of the Platform.
In addition to the above, except as provided in the rest of the General or Particular Conditions, CornerJob shall not be liable for personal, incidental, special, direct or indirect damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of or failure to obtain employment, loss of data, business interruption or any other damage or commercial loss, related to the use or impossibility of use of the application, regardless of the cause, regardless of the theory of liability (contractual or non-contractual or any other).
6.1. The Company is aware, and voluntarily accepts, that the use of the Service takes place, in all cases, at its sole and exclusive responsibility, for which it shall be liable for damages of any nature that CornerJob may suffer as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by virtue of these General Conditions, Particular Conditions, Privacy Policy or applicable legislation in relation to the use of the Service.
6.2. The Company undertakes to comply with applicable law and to use only content for which it has the corresponding rights. The Company expressly releases CornerJob from any claims from third parties due to the infringement of their rights or any conduct of the Company that implies a breach of the applicable legislation or of these General Conditions and, where applicable, of the Particular Conditions.
6.3. The Company undertakes not to carry out actions on the platform that cause overloading, introduction of viruses, installation of bots or which affect the functionality, performance or features of the platform.
6.4. The Company undertakes not to use the Platform for any purpose other than to offer job to Candidates or to search for Candidates whose profile may be of interest to the Company. In particular, without limitation, they shall refrain from using the Service for any propaganda, proselytising, advertising - beyond that which is strictly necessary for the proper publication of your profile - or acts of denigration. Respect by the Company of Spanish and international law related to labour law, including the constitutional principle of equality and the prohibition of non-discrimination in hiring, is an essential condition for using the Service.
6.5. CornerJob reserves the right to modify or remove your presentation and content as a Company, if your use of the Platform is unprofessional or contrary to the General or Particular Conditions, including the deletion of your profile, of your content, if it could be considered offensive, of an explicitly sexual nature or that could be considered generally inappropriate. In any case, CornerJob reserves the right to modify or remove all submissions and content published by the Companies if they do not comply with the laws and regulations in effect and/or CornerJob considers that the submissions or content are detrimental to the quality required by CornerJob and/or could damage CornerJob's brand image. In the event of a breach by a Company of one or more of these rules, or in cases of breaches of laws or regulations, CornerJob reserves the right to block the account of the Company in question and/or block its access to all or part of the Service, temporarily or permanently, without the Company being entitled to compensation, and without prejudice to any other rights that CornerJob may have under applicable law, including the right to claim losses or damages.
6.6. Likewise, the Company shall not: Disseminate content or propaganda that is homophobic, xenophobic, sexual, derogatory, or that incites or promotes the commission of criminal, violent, defamatory, or degrading acts based on age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs; or that directly or indirectly advocates terrorism or is contrary to the human rights and fundamental freedoms of third parties, current legislation, morality, good customs, and public order, or with harmful purposes that may harm CornerJob and/or third parties. The Company shall indemnify CornerJob in any case for all consequences arising from the breach of this prohibition. Similarly, CornerJob reserves the right to deactivate any Company user and to delete any content that does not comply with the prohibition contained in the previous paragraph, reserving the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions, including compensation for damages that may arise.
7.1. CornerJob assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the connection or content of hypertext links to third party websites, nor does their existence imply that they endorse, promote, guarantee or recommend the linked websites.
7.2. Likewise, third parties who intend to include a hypertext link to the CornerJob website must obtain the prior, express and written consent from CornerJob. In any case, CornerJob accepts no liability whatsoever for the connection or the contents of hypertext links to third parties.
8.1. All the content of the Platform (including, but not limited to, databases, images, photographs, patents, utility and industrial models, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of CornerJob, or of its content providers, having been, in the latter case, licensed or assigned by them, and are protected by Spanish or international intellectual and industrial property law. The compilation (understood as the collection, design, arrangement and assembly) of all the content of the Platform is the exclusive property of CornerJob and is protected by the applicable regulations on industrial and intellectual property.
8.2. All software used in the use and development of the Platform is the property of CornerJob or its software suppliers and is protected by industrial and intellectual property law.
8.3. The brands, labels, distinctive signs or logos that appear on the Platform are owned by CornerJob or its content providers and are duly registered or in the process of being registered. The names of other products, services and companies appearing in this document or on the Platform may be trademarks or other distinctive signs registered to their respective and lawful owners.
8.4. All text, graphic designs, videos or audio media are the property of CornerJob, or its content providers, and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the Company or third parties without the express authorisation of the owners of said content.
8.5. Making available to the Companies the databases, images, photographs, patents, utility and industrial models, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software owned by CornerJob or its content providers that appear on the Platform does not imply, under any circumstances, the transfer of ownership or the granting of an exploitation right in favour of the Company other than the use that involves legitimate use and in accordance with the nature of the Service.
8.6. Any use of the content of the Platform that is made without the authorisation of CornerJob is strictly prohibited, including its exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, transmission by any means, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication or total or partial representation, which, should they occur, will constitute infringements of CornerJob's intellectual property rights, sanctioned by the legislation in effect.
9.1. CornerJob grants to the Company a right of use or licence, not a right of sale, to use the Service through the Platform which shall be governed by the terms described herein (hereinafter the "Licence"). CornerJob reserves all other rights not expressly granted.
9.2. The Licence to use the Service through the Platform is a non-transferable licence to use the Platform on any compatible device owned or controlled by the Company, as permitted by the rules of use set out in these General Conditions. This License does not permit the Company to use the Platform through other devices that the Company does not own or control, and may not broadcast or make the Platform available on a network so that it can be used by multiple mobile devices at the same time.
9.3. The Company may not rent, lease, loan, sell, redistribute or sub-license the Platform. The Company may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code, modify or create derivative works of the Platform, all updates, or any part thereof (except and only to the extent that any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law or to the extent permitted by the terms of the licence to use any of the open source components included in the Licence). Any attempt to do so will entail a violation of CornerJob's rights. Failure by the Company to comply with these restrictions may result in legal action and payment of damages and losses. The terms of the Licence shall also govern any upgrade provided by CornerJob that replaces and/or supplements the Service, unless such upgrade includes a licence of its own, which shall be governed by the terms of such licence.
9.4. The Licence shall remain in effect until terminated by the Company or CornerJob. The rights granted under this Licence shall terminate without notice if the Company breaches any term(s) of the General Conditions, Particular Conditions or Privacy Policy. Upon termination of the Licence, the Company must cease using the Platform, and destroy or uninstall all copies, in whole or in part.
10.1. All the provisions of these Conditions of Access and Use shall be applicable to the accesses that the Company makes to the Services via mobile phone, other mobile devices or computer equipment that allow access to the Platform at any given time.
10.2. In this regard, the Company is informed that CornerJob does not charge for mobile access to the Platform's content or services, but that the Company's telephone operator will apply the rate contracted for sending and receiving data.
10.3. CornerJob is not responsible for any restrictions that may be imposed by the telephone operator and which may make the contents or services of the Platform not normally accessible.
11.1. Access to and use of the Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.
11.2. Any dispute that may arise between CornerJob and the Company shall be addressed by the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain), with express waiver by the parties of their own jurisdiction.
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