You can sign up via the website or app and create your candidate profile on CornerJob in just a few minutes.
Fill in the sections with your personal details, assign a password to your account and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
You’ll receive a validation email in your inbox that you’ll have to verify. Once you’ve validated it, you’ll be able to continue adding the data required to create your candidate profile. We also advise you to agree to receive news and special offers so as to keep track of what’s new on CornerJob.
You’ll be able to specify your education and experience and other data in your CV that may be of interest to companies. If you don’t have any experience, you can say so, too.
Once you’ve finished, you can begin applying for the jobs that you’re most interested in.
Check whether the email with the validation link is in your spam folder. If it isn’t, just request another one by repeating the process.
Email validation links are valid for 24 hours, so if you haven’t used it within this time, it will expire and you’ll have to request a new one.
To log into your CornerJob area, go to “Candidate Login” and enter your email address and the password that you set when you signed up.
If you can’t remember your password, you can ask to reset it. Click on “Forgotten Your Password?” and we’ll send you an email with the instructions to be followed to the address that you indicated.
Make sure that you’ve entered your email address and password correctly. If you still get the error message, you can contact us by email at or by filling in the contact form.
Check whether the email is in your spam folder or search your inbox for the address. If you still can’t find your password reset email, please contact us by email at or by filling in the contact form.
To change your password, go to the “Settings” section of your Private Area and select the “Modify Password” option.
To log into your profile or CV, click on the “Candidate Login” icon and enter your email address and the password you set when you signed up.
In your Private Area you’ll find a section called “My Applications”. In it, you’ll be able to control and manage all the active and archived applications that you’ve submitted.
In your Private Area you’ll find a section called “My Saved Searches”. In it, you can check and delete the searches you’ve saved and check whether there are any new jobs suited to your interests.
Once you’ve activated your account, log into your candidate area, upload a photo of yourself and fill in the rest of the information required to complete your profile:
Personal data: you can add your location, the area or department in which you carry out your professional activity and, optionally, your date of birth.
Experience: you can add your work experience if you have any.
Studies: you can add all the studies from primary education to doctorates that you’ve completed, including training courses and degrees.
Once you’ve finished filling in all the information, select “Save”. You can add or modify the data that you’ve entered at any time.
A profile with a photo is always more eye-catching and more likely to be selected than one without a photo. To add or change your profile photo, go to your Personal Area and click on “View Full Profile”, “Edit” and “Upload or Change Photo”. You’ll be able to choose a photo from your gallery and set it as your new profile photo.
To modify your profile information, go to your Personal Area and click on “View Full Profile” and “Edit”.
Adding additional information about you will help companies and us to get to know you better and find a job for you more quickly. You can add it in the “About Me” section of your Personal Area. By clicking on “Edit” you’ll be able to add any information that you think is relevant:
About me: a brief introduction to who you are.
Knowledge: tell us about the relevant knowledge you have that’s suited to a job.
Skills: tell us about the soft skills that make up your personality.
You can also include the languages you speak in the “Languages” section and your job preferences.
Don’t miss out on any jobs or news by enabling notifications. Click on your profile icon (in the top right-hand corner) and a drop-down menu will be displayed. Click on “Settings” and you’ll be able to enable “Receive Email Notifications”.
Go to your Personal Area. Click on your profile icon (in the top right-hand corner) and a drop-down menu will be displayed. Click on “Settings” and you’ll be able to disable “Receive Email Notifications”.
At the top of the page you’ll find the search engine into which you can enter your location and the job you’re looking for. Once you’ve clicked on “Find a Job”, all the jobs in the area and the position you’re looking for will be displayed. You can also use the filters on the left to select the jobs in keeping with the:
Date of post
Province and town/city
Type of working day
Type of contract
Work category
Disability certificate
To apply for a job you just need to have signed up on CornerJob. Go to the job you’re interested in and click on “Apply for the Job”. The advertising company may ask you to answer a few questions before your application is accepted.
If you perform a job search using the filters, you’ll have the option of saving it for the future. Just click on “Save Search”. You’ll find all your saved searches in your Private Area and you’ll be able to repeat or delete them. You’ll receive an alert when a job matches one of your saved searches.
Go to your Private Area and click on “View All” in the “My Saved Searches” section. You can delete your saved searches in this section.
To review your applications, just go to your Personal Area and you’ll see the “My Applications” section on the left. In it, you can review the statuses of all your active and archived applications.
You can’t delete an application but, in the event that the company contacts you, you can indicate that you aren’t interested in the following stages of the selection process.
Once you’ve gone through the initial selection phase, the company will contact you to continue the process. There’s no specific time period during which the company will contact you.
If you need help with any aspect of CornerJob you can contact us via the support form. Fill it in and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. link to the form
If you have any queries or need help with CornerJob, please contact us via the support form. Our support department will get back to you as soon as possible to help you. link to the form
If you want to cancel your account, go to “Settings” in your profile and click on “Unsubscribe”. The system will ask you to enter your password in order to delete it. Once you’ve deleted your user account, you won’t be able to recover your data or log into your profile again.
Thank you for forming part of CornerJob.
You can register your company with CornerJob via the website or app. You’ll have to go to the “Register your Company” section and follow the instructions.
First create your user account by filling in the fields with your name, phone number and email address and assign a password to your account.
You’ll also have to agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy.
You’ll receive a validation email in your inbox that you’ll have to verify. Once you’ve validated it, you’ll be able to add your company account details.
Once you’ve completed your company’s details, it will have to wait for an internal validation team to verify your account.
As soon as we’ve validated your details internally, you’ll be able to start posting on CornerJob.
Check whether the email with the validation link is in your spam folder. If it isn’t, just request another one by repeating the process.
Email validation links are valid for 24 hours, so if you haven’t used it within this time, it will expire and you’ll have to request a new one.
To log into your CornerJob area, go to “Company Login” and enter your email address and the password that you set when you signed up.
If you can’t remember your password, you can ask to reset it. Click on “Forgotten your password?” and we’ll send you an email with the instructions to be followed to the address that you indicated.
Make sure that you’ve entered your email address and password correctly. If you still get the error message, you can contact us by email at or by filling in the contact form.
Check whether the email is in your spam folder or search your inbox for the address. If you still can’t find your password reset email, please contact us by email at or by filling in the contact form.
To change your password, go to the “Settings” section of your Private Area and select the “Modify Password” option.
On the home screen of your user profile you’ll find the dashboard with the most relevant information on your candidates and the jobs that are posted. On the left you’ll see a chart with the latest registered candidates and their current statuses, in the central part you’ll see the evolution of the registrations and at the bottom you’ll see the active and paused jobs that you’ve posted.
Once you’ve entered your company dashboard, you’ll see an icon in the top right-hand corner with your initial, or photo if you’ve already changed it. Click on it and a drop-down menu will be displayed with the “My Profile” sections in which you’ll be able to check and edit your personal information. You can also go to the “Company Profile” section with the information on your company in order to check or edit it. Finally, you’ll find the “Log Out” option, by means of which you can log out of your profile.
You can manage your jobs and candidates via:
The “Home Page” section of your company dashboard, on which you’ll see the active and paused jobs and the candidates for each job in accordance with the stage of the selection process they’ve reached.
Or the “Jobs” section, in which you’ll see the jobs that are Open, in Drafts (pending posting) or Closed.
If you click on the “Product” section on your company dashboard you’ll see all the options we offer on CornerJob in terms of benefits, plans and rates for your company.
You’ll enjoy numerous free benefits starting on day one. Create your user and company account and you’ll be able to enjoy:
Posting of unlimited jobs, including “blind” offers.
Organic multi-posting.
Registration management.
Creation of flash questions.
Matches for hard skills.
Search filters and CV sorting.
Registration statistics.
We also offer you the opportunity to subscribe to a Multi-User plan with which you can add more users and have a company mini-site and monthly email marketing campaigns. Contact us to find out more about all the plans and rates we offer on CornerJob. link to the form
We and certain third parties, such as customers, partners and service providers, use cookies to provide and protect our services, to understand and improve your performance, and to post relevant advertisements (including job advertisements) on and off CornerJob. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy. Select Accept cookies to give your consent to this use or Set cookies to select which cookies to allow. You can change your cookie settings and withdraw consent at any time from the settings.